
I am a joint Ph.D student of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), and the School of Computer Science, Univeristy of Technology, Sydney (UTS), superviced by Asist. Prof. Jin Zhang and co-superviced by Dr. Jing Jiang. I received my B.E degree in computer scinece and engineering from the SUSTech.

My current research focuses on video analytics in heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems. I am also interested in network economics and game theory in crowdsourcing and blockchain.


  • Ph.D. of Data Analysis
    Jul.2020 - Till Now
    Southern University of Science and Technology, SUSTech
    Univeristy of Technology, Sydney, UTS

  • Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering
    Sept. 2015 - Jun. 2019
    Southern University of Science and Technology, SUSTech


  • Towards Privacy Preserving Task Assignment for Fully Distributed Spatial Crowdsourcing
    Mingzhe Li, Jingrou Wu, Wei Wang* and Jin Zhang*
    IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted for publication in a future issue

Teaching Assistantship

  1. Computer Networks (CS305) in the 2021 Fall Semester: Responsible for the course project design and lab tutorial for international students.
  2. Computer Organization (CS202) in the 2021 Spring Semester: Responsible for the assignment grading.
  3. Computer Networks (CS305) in the 2020 Fall Semester: Responsible for the assignment grading.
  4. Computer Networks (CS305) in the 2019 Fall Semester: Responsible for the course project design.


  • Reading
  • Basketball